domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2013

About me

Hi everyone my name is Victoria Rojas Recabarren I would like you to know a little about me.. 

I was born in 1992 in Santiago of Chile, I have 20 years old , I'm the third of five children and I'm a student of geography at Universidad de Chile  now I'm in my second year. I'm a doglover!! I have four dogs their names are Tintin, León, Daft and Nico. 

I love traveling I had the opportunity to meet many beautiful places and my favorite was Mexico but especially an island called Cozumel I am totally in love with this country,But especially the history of the country I'm very interest in Maya culture. 

About my hobbies  I love watching movies! my favorites are comedies I don't like action movies or anything like "Lord of the Rings".I love to cook I think I'm good chef but I'm not good playing  instruments, when I was a little girl  I tried with guitars , flutes, violin and never learned ...I think I don't have the gift 

About my fears  one of my biggest fears is  the ocean I hope that I will never drown ,  always dream about tsunamis and that makes me wake up scared! . I have  afraid of mice I've never seen one.

About my personality I am a very sentimental person  I cry for all. I Also consider myself a very charitable person I learned it from my parents I like to help those Who need. 

Me my mom and little sisters in La Habana Cuba 

1 comentario:

  1. Hey, Victoria!

    you seem to travel a lot. That's good. I like travelling to different places away from Santiago.

    Wow, you dream of tsunamis...that's weird. One of my favourite bands ever is called Tsunamis. Their live shows were chaotic and ary, at the same time.

    I'll go to Mexico someday, I hope.


