jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013

The strangest experience ever

hi everyone this time I will talk about once of strangest experience .. I have always been a sociable person and  I like meet people when I was 19  I went to some like party with my friends .

I remember there were many people at the party and after a couple of drinks jajaj started talking to some people .. I started talking to a guy for a long time remember his name was Pedro, he told me his whole life .. I remember he said he felt a connection with me .. I was really interested in him ,  the time went very fast .. until a friend called me and I had to go because she needed my help ,  when I returned..  he was swallowed by the earth.

The strangest thing was that the next day I asked everyone and no one knew him, no one knew what he had seen come and go ..  all the people say me that i was so drunk and no one remembered having seen talking to someone .. to this day I wonder if it was my imagination or if it really existed sometimes.

2 comentarios:

  1. Victoria, you still need to write two more entries in your blog (ideal job, a country you´d like to visit).

    1. Hi! the entry " ideal job" is ready.. is below entry "about me" .. and i work it for entry " country i had like to visit" :)
