lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

A country I would like to visit

Hi everyone this time I will talk about a country I would like to visit .. Is Difficult choose one .. but since childhood I have had an obsession with Middle Eastern countries .. it all started when I was little and I saw a woman with a veil called " burka " so .. I hope to meet the country is Turkey. , a country that is considered the largest open museum in the world. My parents visited that country in 2011 and told of their customs : in Turkey usually have coffee called " kahve " .. in Turkish men smoke much and the food has many spices 

I feel a particular country are fascinated by their culture religion , geography . I've always been very curious about the way they carry life .. I've seen pictures with beautiful landscapes .. pristine beaches , breathtaking architectural buildings . In particular I would like to know a place called Hierápolos - Pamukkale , ancient Roman spa town . I think that Turkey is a country that is full of history.

If some day I visit Turkey I will not hesitate to visit the neighboring country called Armenia.

2 comentarios:

  1. That part of the world seems fascinating. Maybe it's beacuse it's so far away from us and it looks like mysterious and mystical.

    I'd like to go there some day.


  2. Wow! in an middle earth event on santiago I tried that coffee you're talking about, from a group of people that recreated a house of a Middle Eastern family. it was so delicious!

    take care!
