jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2013

How green are you?

People in chili has no habits on how to care for the planet, environmental eduacion in our country is a new topic. The new generations are more informed about the topic. In schools children are taught to recycle and help with small details, but I think the best environmental education is delivered in the home.

In my house we contribute to environmental practices. We have 3 types of containers for separate waste (organic-paper-plastic). I must say the truth .. I do not use  bike. I would like to go in cycle to univeristy but my home is far. I like to walk, but not in santiago because it is very ugly and toxic when I go on vacation I try to walk a lot and breathe clean air. I have never participated in any organzacion, but I would like to do.  I have not participated because it requires time and commitment, but when there are sporadic activities on the environment I participate. I like to buy things recycled. I have a bag made with  drinks taps, but my favorite object is a lamp made ​​from recyclable materials it's really cute.

miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013

The perfect song

Today I'm going to refer to what I consider a perfect song. I know that I have a favorite song, but now I can not remember, but if I come to my mind a song very cute and I really like it.when I hear it and feel many feelings.   The song is actually called "Fix you". It was written by Chris Martin, an and published in 2005 by Coldplay. The music video for "Fix You" was directed by Sophie Muller.The song received positive reviews, which pointed to the emotional content of the song.

Fix you, is one of the few songs that exist that make me feel and say without being speaking, it is a song with a message of hope. the author of the song fix you declare that contains a "message of breath" said he sings about recover from grief, is a perfect blend between the sound of musical instruments and lyrics. It's definitely my favorite song of the band. I think in general this band is capable of saying everything you feel in their songs. 

martes, 12 de noviembre de 2013

A video clip that I like

Today I'm going to speak about a video clip that I like.. I never really took much attention in music videos .. I just like listening to the lyrics of the songs .. but there is a video that I will never forget in life, is a little stupid but it brings the best memories of my childhood. I love it barbie girl by Aqua !!!!! 

The music video was directed by Peder Pedersen and Peter Stenbæk in 1997 inspired by cartoons. It represent the famous Mattel dolls .

I remember it was in the decade of the 90 I was 5  years and really loved this song .. my parents recorded the video on VHS for me and I could see all day , I guess I liked because it was inspired by the world of barbie . I enjoyed when I saw this video and dance .. were the characters and the scenery of barbie what caused me much laughter . My favorite part of the video is when the protagonist  broked her arm lol. I must say that when I was little I had no idea what the song was saying , I just got carried away by the colors of jajaj video . now that I'm an "adult " video gives me more laughter. occasionally I see the video  to return to the past.

lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

A country I would like to visit

Hi everyone this time I will talk about a country I would like to visit .. Is Difficult choose one .. but since childhood I have had an obsession with Middle Eastern countries .. it all started when I was little and I saw a woman with a veil called " burka " so .. I hope to meet the country is Turkey. , a country that is considered the largest open museum in the world. My parents visited that country in 2011 and told of their customs : in Turkey usually have coffee called " kahve " .. in Turkish men smoke much and the food has many spices 

I feel a particular country are fascinated by their culture religion , geography . I've always been very curious about the way they carry life .. I've seen pictures with beautiful landscapes .. pristine beaches , breathtaking architectural buildings . In particular I would like to know a place called Hierápolos - Pamukkale , ancient Roman spa town . I think that Turkey is a country that is full of history.

If some day I visit Turkey I will not hesitate to visit the neighboring country called Armenia.

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013

The strangest experience ever

hi everyone this time I will talk about once of strangest experience .. I have always been a sociable person and  I like meet people when I was 19  I went to some like party with my friends .

I remember there were many people at the party and after a couple of drinks jajaj started talking to some people .. I started talking to a guy for a long time remember his name was Pedro, he told me his whole life .. I remember he said he felt a connection with me .. I was really interested in him ,  the time went very fast .. until a friend called me and I had to go because she needed my help ,  when I returned..  he was swallowed by the earth.

The strangest thing was that the next day I asked everyone and no one knew him, no one knew what he had seen come and go ..  all the people say me that i was so drunk and no one remembered having seen talking to someone .. to this day I wonder if it was my imagination or if it really existed sometimes.

domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2013

About me

Hi everyone my name is Victoria Rojas Recabarren I would like you to know a little about me.. 

I was born in 1992 in Santiago of Chile, I have 20 years old , I'm the third of five children and I'm a student of geography at Universidad de Chile  now I'm in my second year. I'm a doglover!! I have four dogs their names are Tintin, León, Daft and Nico. 

I love traveling I had the opportunity to meet many beautiful places and my favorite was Mexico but especially an island called Cozumel I am totally in love with this country,But especially the history of the country I'm very interest in Maya culture. 

About my hobbies  I love watching movies! my favorites are comedies I don't like action movies or anything like "Lord of the Rings".I love to cook I think I'm good chef but I'm not good playing  instruments, when I was a little girl  I tried with guitars , flutes, violin and never learned ...I think I don't have the gift 

About my fears  one of my biggest fears is  the ocean I hope that I will never drown ,  always dream about tsunamis and that makes me wake up scared! . I have  afraid of mice I've never seen one.

About my personality I am a very sentimental person  I cry for all. I Also consider myself a very charitable person I learned it from my parents I like to help those Who need. 

Me my mom and little sisters in La Habana Cuba 

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013

My ideal job

Hi everyone this time I will talk about my ideal job, really I have many ideal jobs its hard to decided well I tell you some options for me.

I like meeting people, new placeseat new foods, so my dream job is to work on a television show about met countries and cultures, food. The name of the show would be "race to world" I have skills for this job I'm sociable, friendly, respectful and I like adventures. 

I think that work is good for everyone, who doesn't like to have vacation all year?  but particularly for me is a good and ideal  job because I would know more about the world, the culture of other countries, and i'm studying geography and this can be a big tool.  

One of the serious difficulties is taste too exotic food, like monkey meat, I think that would bring me problems because sometimes I'm a little fussy, another difficulty is the danger because you can have problems with people (well you can not always expect the best reaction of the people ) some accident when you travel.  the best way to understand the world is feel it. 

I want to mention another ideal job would be taster ice- cream really  I love ice-cream and never get bored!